How to fix tar command "error: file changed as we read it"

Last updated on June 2, 2020 by Dan Nanni

Question: I am trying to create a tar archive, but the tar command fails with "error: file changed as we read it". Why am I getting this error, and how can I fix it?

Method One

A possible cause for this error is that the tar archive file being generated is also part of files being archived by tar command itself.

For example, consider the following example.

$ tar cvf backup.tar .

In this case, you are trying to archive into backup.tar which is obviously part of. tar command interprets that backup.tar is also one of input files, but is being changed during archiving, so throwing the error.

To fix the error, make sure that the output tar file does not belong to the file(s) being archived.

Method Two

Another solution is to use --ignore-failed-read option with tar command, which allows tar command to ignore and continue on unreadable files. This may help with getting around the issue.

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